Doreen Virtues Romance Angel Cards
Discover the meanings of all 44 cards in Doreen Virtue's Romance Angel deck. This guide will help you interpret the cards and provide insights for love and relationships.
Card Meanings and Interpretation Tips
1. Trust
Trust in the divine plan for your love life. Faith is required to overcome current challenges.
2. Soulmate
This card confirms a soulmate connection in your life. Embrace the deeper bond you share.
3. Let Go of Control Issues
Allow situations to unfold naturally. Release the need to micromanage your love life.
4. Engagement
Your love life is moving to a higher level of commitment.
5. Release Your Ex
It’s time to clear your energy of past relationships.
6. Wedding
Marriage is involved in this situation.
7. Honeymoon
Enjoy a blissful period of connection with your partner.
8. Passion
Allow your heart and soul to sing with joy. Deep feelings are present.
9. Romantic Feelings
Your feelings are real and worth exploring.
10. Chemistry
You share a strong magnetic attraction.
11. Flirt
Extend your lighthearted energy to others.
12. Worth Waiting For
Divine timing is at work in your love life.
13. True Love
This is the romance of a lifetime.
14. Stay Optimistic About Your Love Life
Positive thinking and faith will bring romance.
15. Healing Family Issues
Your love life benefits as you forgive your parents.
16. Forgiving and Learning
Release and heal the past to experience more love.
17. Keep an Open Mind
Your soulmate may differ from your expectations.
18. Express Your Love
Go ahead and make the romantic gesture.
19. Getting to Know Each Other
Reveal your innermost selves to deepen your bond.
20. Calling in Your Soulmate
Prayers, affirmations, and visualizations help bring you together.
21. Playfulness
To recapture romance, allow your inner youthful spirit to shine.
22. Deception
Someone is wearing a false self-mask in this relationship.
23. Free Yourself
It’s time to take back control of your life.
24. Children
Your love life is being affected by children.
25. Religious Factors
Your love life is influenced by spiritual or cultural beliefs.
26. Codependency
Addictions are affecting your romantic life.
27. Love Yourself First
Your self-respect makes you more romantically attractive.
28. Pay Attention to the Red Flags
The signs are cautioning you.
29. Reconciliation
Someone from your past is returning to your life.
30. Past Life Relationship
You have known each other before.
31. Finances and Career
Financial issues are a factor in your love life.
32. Let Your Friends Help You
Ask for and accept support from others.
33. Make the Effort
Great love is worth taking the steps you’re guided to take.
34. It Is Safe for You to Love
Open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all.
35. Soulmate
Yes, this is your soulmate.
36. Attraction
You attract romantic love by enjoying the moment fully.
37. Very Soon
Clearly decide what you want so that it comes to you now.
38. Retreat
It’s time to disconnect from the world with your partner.
39. New Love
A new person has stirred your romantic feelings.
40. Unrequited Love
There’s not enough attraction or chemistry to keep this relationship going.
41. Romantic Feelings
Your feelings are real and worth exploring.
42. Separation
Time apart from your partner is on the horizon.
43. Flirt
Extend your lighthearted energy to others.
44. Passion
Allow your heart and soul to sing with joy.
How to Use This Guide
- Daily Draw: Pull one card each day to gain insights into your romantic energy.
- Relationship Spreads: Use three or more cards to explore your love life, focusing on past, present, and future dynamics.
- Combination Interpretation: Read multiple cards together to uncover deeper layers of meaning.