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How Often Should I Cleanse My Tarot Cards?

The frequency of cleansing your tarot cards can vary based on how often you use them, your personal preferences, and the energy of your readings environment. There's no strict rule, but here are some guidelines to help you determine how often you should cleanse your tarot cards:

1. **Regular Use:** If you use your tarot cards frequently, such as doing readings multiple times a week or every day, you might consider cleansing them more often. The more you use the cards, the more they can accumulate energy and benefit from cleansing.

2. **Energetic Sensitivity:** If you're energetically sensitive and can feel when the energy of the cards has shifted, you might choose to cleanse them whenever you sense that they need it.

3. **Environmental Factors:** The energy of your reading space can also impact how often you cleanse your cards. If your space feels heavy or stagnant, it could be a sign that your cards need cleansing.

4. **Intuition:** Trust your intuition. If you feel that your cards could benefit from a cleansing, even if it hasn't been very long since the last one, go ahead and cleanse them.

5. **Moon Phases:** Some tarot readers like to cleanse their cards during specific moon phases, such as during the full moon or new moon. The energy of these phases can enhance the cleansing process.

6. **Major Events:** Cleansing your cards after a particularly heavy or intense reading, or after a challenging event in your life, can help reset the energy and ensure that your readings are clear and accurate.

7. **Seasonal Cleansing:** Some readers choose to cleanse their tarot cards seasonally, aligning with the changing energy of the year.

In general, cleansing your tarot cards every few weeks to once a month is a good starting point. However, feel free to adjust the frequency based on your own experiences and intuition. Remember that maintaining a clean and neutral energy in your tarot deck contributes to more accurate and meaningful readings.

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